Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 - Jacob's First Trick-Or-Treat Experience

Our little ninja, Jacob, had his first trick-or-treating experience today. We went out twice - once with just me, him and Baba and then again with Tiffany and Luke.

He had a great time, but thought he was supposed to go in all the houses we went to, instead of just taking the candy. By the third house, he had the "Trick or treat. Thank you" down pat.

He's already asleep, but he's rolling around and talking a lot in there. He does this often when he's overtired and has had a very busy or emotional day. He seems to relive it in his sleep.

We only had 17 kids come to the house so far, and I don't think we'll get any more. It's dark and my driveway is scary. :o( I really like getting a lot of kids.

Halloween pics are here.

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