Sunday, February 17, 2008

Keep your finger(tips) crossed!!

We had our fingerprints done on Valentine's Day. Tom's went perfectly, they had a little bit of an issue with my mom's, and a big issue with mine. They had a hard time getting mine to read on the scanner.

I was in there about 10 minutes longer than anyone else. They just kept redoing them, smashing my fingers around on the scanner. I don't care what they did to my fingers, as long as it comes out alright. The woman that did it said that she got them to a point where they pass on her end, but if the person who is running the background check is picky, I may have to go back. Things just don't want to go smoothly with my prints. I had to go back again at the local level, too.

If I have to go back, I just hope it's quick.

Monday, February 4, 2008


We have the fingerprint appointment!!!

9:00 AM on Valentine's Day!!

Woo hoo!!!