I'm not sure how much you may know about Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago and have been trying to get it managed ever since. I've been to four different endocrinologists with no success. I also went to a holistic nutritionist. She put me on a severely restricted diet (I could basically drink water and eat cardboard). Now I'm seeing a naturopathic registered nurse. She has worked up a treatment plan that is working out decently so far.
Part of my Hashimoto's treatment is to be completely gluten free, which is not an easy thing to do. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bread and giving it up sucks. What sucks even more is the taste of store-bought gluten free bread. It's also extremely pricey.
I decided that it would make more sense to buy a bread machine and make my own bread. So I bought the Breadman Pro. It arrived today and I'm looking forward to trying it out. Here's a pic...
I'm doing a lot of research on what flour mixtures will make the best bread and I've found some very interesting gluten free sites (which you will find under Gluten Free Blogs to the left).